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Control Transformers
Control Transformers
are available with leads or terminals, and fuse holder brackets. Constructed with a 130°C insulation system.

Available Voltages:
Primary voltages available - 120V,  220V,  240V,  347V,  440V,  480V,  550V and 600V @ 60 hertz.

Secondary voltages available - 10V,  12V,  16V,  20V,  24V,  28V,  36V,  48V,  56V,  120V and 240V.  Centre trapped models available for each secondary voltage.


Part Number Designation:

1. First set of three digits: the VA rating
2. Second set of two or three digits: the secondary voltage
3. Last set of three digits: the primary voltage
4. Example: 300 - 120 - 600